RSA Explained using Examples

RSA provides a fantastic method for allowing public key cryptography. For many years it was a debated topic whether it was possible at *all* to create a scheme for public cryptography. But in the year 1977 Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman published a paper on RSA, so named for the first letter of each of their last names.

A curious side-note comes from the fact that Rivest, Shamir and Adleman were not actually the first people to have uncovered the algorithm. English intelligence had created a similar algorithm as early as 1973. The story goes that a new hire to the agency was introduced around the office. His name was Clifford Cocks. On the tour he met James H. Ellis where he learned that James had been working on the problem of public-private key systems for a long while. Clifford Cocks must have missed the part about the difficulty of the problem as he went to his office and decided to spend the day seeing if he could manage to solve this difficult problem.

Later in the day he comes back to talk to Mr Ellis mentioning that he believes he'd solved the problem. A fresh set of eyes to the problem appeared to be all that it needed as it solved the problem that Mr Ellis had been working on for years.

Lets get down to business

Lets have a look at an example of RSA before we get into how it works.

In each of these examples we have the following 'actors'.

  • Alice - Good guy, friends with Bob
  • Bob - Good guy, friends with Alice
  • Eve - An eavesdropper. Pretty keen to hear what Alice and Bob are up to.

So to send a message between Alice and Bob we're first going to have to generate our set of public-private keys. The steps for that are below. We'll go through it in more detail in a moment.

  • Alice chooses some prime numbers

    p = 17

    q = 19
  • Alice Computes n n = p * q

    n = 17 * 19 = 323

    Alice can share n with anyone. It's not secret.
  • Compute φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1) = 16 * 18 = 288
  • Choose an number e such that 1 < e < φ(n)
  • gcd(e, φ(n) = 1 therefore e and φ(n) are coprime
  • Our example e = 11

    Alice can share e with anyone. It's not secret.
  • Determine d = e-1 mod φ(n)
  • d = 11-1 mod(288)
  • Our example makes d = 131

With these numbers we can now make our set of public/private keys.

Public Key

A public key is made up of n and e. n being the multiplication of the two large prime numbers and e being a number between 1 and 288 that had a greatest common divisor with 288 as 1. Often you're fine to just choose a random prime, but do test that gcd(e, φ(n)) = 1 is true.

Alice's public key is (323, 11)

Private Key

Alice's private key is first of all made up with the same n that her public key was made from. The difference is that the other number used for the key is d. This number was the multiplicative inverse of e (modulo φ(n)). We'll go into why this works a bit later but for now you can just solve the equation d = e-1 mod(288). This is done through the Extended Euclid's Algorithm (see below).

Alice's private key is (323, 131)

How to use them

This is where Bob comes in. Bob wants to send Alice the message: you should not trust eve. First Bob knows that any message that he sends must be of an integer value less than n. In this case any message must be less than 228. This counts as 11100100 in binary. So therefore we can set an easy upper bound on only transmitting 7 bits at a time. So lets make our string!

>>> ' '.join(format(ord(x), 'b') for x in "you should not trust eve")
'1111001 1101111 1110101 100000 1110011 1101000 1101111 1110101 1101100 1100100 100000 1101110 1101111 1110100 100000 1110100 1110010 1110101 1110011 1110100 100000 1100101 1110110 1100101'

Encoding using the Public Key

Lets take our first message to send 1111001 and convert it to decimal. Once a decimal we will be able to encode it using the following equation.

Encrypt as follows: CypherText of Message M = Me log(n)

So our binary data can be converted to decimal and will come out as the number 121. We then need to encode this data so that only Alice will be able to read it. Once we do this Bob will not be able to decrypt it again. It's a one way step.

In our example we end up with

c(M) = Me mod(n)
     = 12111 mod(323)
     = 379,749,833,583,241 mod(323)
     = 144

Our first letter is now encoded as 144 or binary 10010000. This can then be sent across the wire to Alice.

Lets Decrypt - Using the Private Key

Alice and only Alice will be able to decrypt the data (assuming that good values were used for the primes originally). So to do that she'll need to perform the following

Decrypt as Plain Text from Message C = Cd mod(n)

m(C) = Cd mod(n)
     = 144131 mod(323)
     = 121

We have just managed to encrypt what is the first letter of our message. We can set this as binary again and convert it back again.

>>> str(unichr(int('01111001', 2)))

Thus we've managed to send our first letter of our string to Alice. The rest can of course be completed in much the same way.

What makes this strong?

It's all well and good to show that we can go encrypt and decrypt a number. But to prove that it's a good idea we've got to make sure that the public key does not leak any required information. There's a few things that we need to make sure that we can ensure.

  • That Bob was definitely using Alice's public key when encrypting
  • That Alice was definitely receiving a message from Bob
  • That Eve was unable to infer the private key from listening to all public communication to Bob.

Lets start with the last one.

Stopping the Cracker

In our above case there wasn't much that was transmitted publicly. The only information that is available is the public key, and anyone at all can get this. The idea behind a public key is to not keep it safe, it should be able to stand by itself.

With that in mind lets take a look at the information provided in the public key.

  • n - The multiplication of the two original primes
  • e - A number less than n that is relatively prime number to n

So to get the private key Eve will need to get the factors of n and the number d where d was the multiplicative inverse of e mod n.

N - Why it's hard

So within N are two pieces of information that would unravel the whole thing. If you look at the original process the only numbers that are needed to work out the private key are p, q (the primes used in the original n equation) and e. Seeing we already have e we had better hope that finding out p and q is difficult.

Thankfully. It turns out that it is. It's really, really difficult.

When creating your p and q values each of them is most likely a prime number with a bit length of ~1024. So our number n is going to be incredibly large. This is of prime security concern as we need to make it as difficult as possible to factorise n. If n is ever factorised then suddenly we've lost all of our security as the private key is trivial to figure out.

The problem of Integer Factorisation is a difficult problem. Without the use of Quantum computer (and Shor's algorithm) we are unable to currently solve this in a respectable time. Most of the methods that do work are based around trying a heap of values. For this reason we are able to be fairly sure that if we choose strong primes in p and q that the key will not be cracked (at least for a few thousand millennia).

Interactive Example!

P - The first prime 4001 4003 4007 4013 4019 4021 4027 4049 4051 4057 4073 4079 4091 4093 4099 4111 4127 4129 4133 4139 4153 4157 4159 4177 4201 4211 4217 4219 4229 4231 4241 4243 4253 4259 4261 4271 4273 4283 4289 4297 4327 4337 4339 4349 4357 4363 4373 4391 4397 4409 4421 4423 4441 4447 4451 4457 4463 4481 4483 4493 4507 4513 4517 4519 4523 4547 4549 4561 4567 4583 4591 4597 4603 4621 4637 4639 4643 4649 4651 4657 4663 4673 4679 4691 4703 4721 4723 4729 4733 4751 4759 4783 4787 4789 4793 4799 4801 4813 4817 4831 4861 4871 4877 4889 4903 4909 4919 4931 4933 4937 4943 4951 4957 4967 4969 4973 4987 4993 4999 Q - The first prime 4001 4003 4007 4013 4019 4021 4027 4049 4051 4057 4073 4079 4091 4093 4099 4111 4127 4129 4133 4139 4153 4157 4159 4177 4201 4211 4217 4219 4229 4231 4241 4243 4253 4259 4261 4271 4273 4283 4289 4297 4327 4337 4339 4349 4357 4363 4373 4391 4397 4409 4421 4423 4441 4447 4451 4457 4463 4481 4483 4493 4507 4513 4517 4519 4523 4547 4549 4561 4567 4583 4591 4597 4603 4621 4637 4639 4643 4649 4651 4657 4663 4673 4679 4691 4703 4721 4723 4729 4733 4751 4759 4783 4787 4789 4793 4799 4801 4813 4817 4831 4861 4871 4877 4889 4903 4909 4919 4931 4933 4937 4943 4951 4957 4967 4969 4973 4987 4993 4999

n = x =

φ(n) = (-1)(-1) =

Now we need to choose 1 < e < φ(n) and gcd(e, φ(n)) = 1;
We'll choose a common e that's used. That being 65,537 which is 216+1






Public Key

(e,n) = (, )

Private Key

(d,n) = (, )